Saturday 11 December 2010

Semiotic Analysis.

Semiotic Analysis
If we take our thoughts back to lectures 2 and 3 in Media Histories and Culture, it is apparent to remember about the use of Semiotics in methods of Analysing an image. Semiotics is the use of significations to analyse an image and what certain aspects of the image can be looked at to determine what the photographers thoughts were when he/she was taking the photograph. The two different significations which are used in semiotic analysis are Denotation and connotation, denotation is the definition and meaning of a specific sign of an image which would provoke the audience who is reading the image, connotation is the suggestion and more in-depth reading into the image as to what the denotation suggests. An immediate and simple definition of describing what a semiotic is can be read in the semiotics for beginners article by Daniel Chandler which reads "Semiotics could be anywhere. The shortest definition is that it is the study of signs.(1)" This quote is a suggestion to what a semiotic analysis is, giving a short and simple answer that it is a study of signs, and suggesting it could be anywhere, gives a simple concept that a semiotic analysis can be made from anything, either in the real world or a piece of media.
(1) -

A semiotic analysis in another simple term is basically decoding a sign from something to depict what the meaning of the sign is, decoding to find a meaning. Sign is suggested by the free dictionary website to be "Something that suggests the presence or existence of a fact, condition, or quality.(2)" For example, a semiotic analysis of the cross would be, the literal meaning and denotation being the instrument which was used for the death of Jesus Christ where his hands and feet were nailed into place. The connotation of the cross would be the deeper meaning of the cross and what the cross suggests, which is that Jesus Christ was summoned by the Israelites to die on the cross although he had not done anything wrong to be punished, they were jealous of him. The Father of Jesus Christ (God) sent Jesus to die on the cross so that our sins could all be forgiven and that we can be saved, this is the suggestion which is connoted from the cross as a symbol.
(2) -

Semiotic Analysis of the photograph 'Rockefeller Centre Construction site' taken by the photographer Lewis Hine.

This Semiotic analysis of Lewis Hines photograph will suggest the different signs which are apparent in the photograph and what the suggestions of these signs are and what connote. Lewis Hine was an American photographer who used his photographs as a tool to suggest how the society lived and worked in those days. This photograph which he has taken has many denotations to suggest what effect Lewis Hine was creating when he was taking the photograph to relate to his viewers. The Denotations and connotations which i have made on this photograph is as follows:

Lewis Hine - Rockfeller Construction Site
  1. All male gender in photograph - All male gender gives the impression that at the time of the photo being taken, it was when it was only the males that worked and the wives worked at home as house wives, looking after children and houses.
  2. Wearing overa
    lls, Tank top, work boots, Flat caps - The types of clothing which they are wearing also gives the impression that they are working, as they are wearing scruffy cloths which are dirty and also one of them is topless.
  3. Holding drinks, newspaper, lighting cigarettes - The fact that they are having drinks, reading newspapers and lighting cigarettes in such a dangerous place, suggests that they are on a work break.
  4. All have very brown or red skin - The colour of their skin suggests that they work long hours in the sun, outside which gives them either a very brown tan or sun burn.
  5. Background of a city in the foreground, the far foreground of city is very faint from clouds - The Foreground which is in the photo, shows exactly where they are working and what type of work they are given and what type of conditions they live in.
  6. The workers sitting on a large Steel construction pole - Once again the fact that the workers are sitting on a construction pole in the sky shows the danger of the jobs which they have and what extent the danger of work they will do to provide for family as jobs were limited back in those days.
  7. Black and white photograph used - The black and white format which has been used for the photo shows either that the camera which was used was only black and white format or that the photographer was using this affect to show that the photo is old to show what century the photo was taken at.
  8. Camera looking over workers, looking down - The camera angle which has been used for the photo gives the viewer a god like view over the workers, giving the impression that they are looking down at them with importance, as though a boss or authority.
A simple overview of this blog and what a Semiotic analysis is, is a study of the signs of an given source or situation and what the meanings are of this sign, and when connoting this meaning, is finding the suggestions which are made from this sign and how it readers to the audience, viewer or a person reading this source or situation.

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